[ENG] I don't like my college degree

 I don’t like my college degree.

University of Barcelona

I feel stuck at university. I’m stuck in an endless loop of pointless and uninteresting lectures which lead me to this Groundhog Day feeling of nothingness and underachieving the one purpose I had when entering my degree: learning stuff I was interested in and that I actually wanted to learn; and also partaking in classes that are fun and that aren’t repetitive, boring, slow or only exist to make my degree last four years instead of two.

I’m in my second year at university, and I have never felt so out of touch with the world or so confused with what to do with my life. This is an era where, throughout all my life, I have been painted the image of greatness and life at its full potential. And to a big extent it definitely feels like it could become that, though it would only be for certain people who turn out lucky.

See, with this world turning and turning every day faster and faster, no matter how sure you are of your degree, if it isn’t a productive, science or business related type study, you will always have doubts about your future, about your job and about your life in general after you graduate. And that isn’t something that should stop you at all. Though it can be morally challenging sometimes, and maybe some conservative parents won’t like it, it is no reason at all to not pursue your passion in college.

The problem arrives when, after having convinced your parents that this is what you really want to do, and you finally feel relieved to get to study what you’ve chosen to study, you find yourself entering this building and not encountering anything of the promised land. You aren’t really studying what your degree is really about, your professors aren’t really passionate to be there, the dynamics of the classes are not productive at all, and, although to some extent yours may be easier than other degrees, every few months a pile of work stacks up on your desk for no reason at all.

This isn’t a rant on my college or my college experience, this text is more focused on the first line I wrote: “Im stuck at university”. The main ongoing issue right now is that, if I decided to drop out of college, not only I would have to convince my parents of the burden again (after assuring them that the career I’m dropping out off was the one I wanted to do), but I would have to convince them a third time about what I would do after dropping out. And this is the main thing, I have no clue of what I would do if I were to drop out. Other choices of degrees I’m sure will lead me down the same path of desperation, and some that feel otherwise I can’t do because I don’t have good enough grades.

And I do want to study, I don’t want to quit college and start working 9 to 5 for the rest of my life. I would love to graduate college with new knowledge and an unforgettable experience, a changed man, as corny as that may sound. But I just don’t know if this will happen whilst I’m going brain dead in these pointless lectures. I feel like I’m wasting my time, day after day, and I can’t do anything about it or take a path that will lead me down a different road. It’s so stupid, if you think about it, but I really don’t like my college degree.



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